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Would you be willing to make an extra Thanksgiving dish? 

Are you interested in serving a Thanksgiving meal? 

You are invited to help bring a Thanksgiving meal to the residents at Complex Care, which is a facility operated by Catholic Social Services. Complex Care houses medically fragile and elderly residents who would otherwise be living unhoused. Help us bring Thanksgiving to them! 

You can help by either: 1) cooking a food item and bringing it to Joy or 2) serving Thanksgiving meal at Complex Care. If you would like to contribute a food item, please bring it in a disposable container to Joy Lutheran Church between 11am & 12:15pm on Thanksgiving Day. Volunteers will load vehicles and then transport food to Complex Care.

Click on the button below to sign-up for a food item or to volunteer.

Complex Care is located at 303 W. Fireweed Lane in Anchorage.

Sign-Up: Food/Volunteer