God has charged us to take care of each other without conditions or constraints and to care for the gifts of creation that have been given to us.

In small ways, the people of Joy have looked at our own ecosystem: a rain garden (Miss Kitty’s Garden) to take runoff from the roof and filter that water to remove contaminants; a small wildflower bed to support bees and other at-risk pollinators.

We have taken steps to reduce the impact on our fragile planet through the annual electronics recycling program that keeps toxic waste out of our landfills; our ongoing efforts to replace fluorescents with LED lights; the replacement of old inefficient furnaces with high efficiency furnaces; and the re-insulation of the attics. All these efforts strive not just to reduce our energy bills but to lower our energy usage and carbon footprint.  

But we can do more. We can energize hope.

An anonymous donor has reached out with $50,000 to kickstart the installation of a bank of solar panels on the south facing roof atop the “new” narthex and sanctuary. The first phase design is estimated to cost approximately $65,000 and would generate 15.5 kw of electrical energy (see the rough layout shown below).


OUR CHALLENGE BY APRIL 30:  to find committed individuals who want to invest in the care of our earth by helping to raise the additional $15,000 necessary to meet our phase 1 goal of $65,000.  Solar panels will be installed this summer, with the plan to be finalized April 30. The question is, how many?    

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support this project!

Select an amount below, enter a custom amount, or select the "Donate Now" button. You may also send a check to Joy Lutheran Church at the address located at the bottom of the page. Please note "Solar Panel Project" on the check. Thank you for your partnership on this project!


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This project is not part of Joy’s annual budget and the church is not taking on any additional financial obligations. All funding will be handled through pass-through accounts. 

Please note that this project is not limited to members of the congregation; anyone or any organization can be part of this new example of how individuals can make a difference.

This is just the beginning. What happens next depends on our ability to reach or exceed that goal.  Other financing and tax credit options will help determine the final size, but it starts with our individual commitment to this project. 

Over the next short months, more detail will be rolled out to track our progress. This project is more than lowering energy costs – it is about taking care of our community, leading by example to show what a dedicated group of Christians can do to build and grow a sustainable future. We plan to host community conversations on energy and climate change issues and to explore what other faith based communities have done through organizations like the Interfaith Power and Light and the Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP). Most of all, we hope to demonstrate what it means to be faithful stewards of God's Creation by responding to climate change through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and wise use of the earth's resources. 

We have the tools and a donor who desires to make a difference to the planet through the church. What we do next is up to us.